Sunday, October 4, 2020

Anna Maria Horner X-Plus Quilt

 I needed a bright project to work on after some neutral projects.  I grabbed all the Anna Maria Horner fabric I had in my stash.  It was more than I expected...

I then grabbed seven fabrics with the following criteria:

Background - lights

"X" legs - Pinkish

Plus arms and extension - Blues and greens.

I'm sure I mixed some up, but that just adds to the scrappy goodness of this quilt.  

The outer blocks measure 24" x 24" and I used the measurements here.

The inner blocks are 12 x 12".

It's even backed in Anna Maria wideback - which is awesome, I highly suggest it, especially for such a large quilt.  It was great to not have to piece a backing together. 


This one isn't for sale, but if you're interested in a custom quilt, please contact me!

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